
Land of the free home of the brave jersey
Land of the free home of the brave jersey

(Note - By the time the Declaration of Independence was adopted in July 1776, the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain had been at war for more than a year.) Cindy Adams went on to list several of these brave men and in some cases she told of the horrible loses they suffered because of their ‘declaration of independence’. She spoke of the significance of the day – the anniversary of the day in 1776 when fifty-six men, appointed by their fellow citizens from each Colony, met in Philadelphia and determined that the only logical course of action they could take was to stand up to tyranny and declare the independence and sovereignty of the individual colonies, join together and once and for all secure their liberties. So I was a bit taken aback when I started reading her column on this day prior to Independence Day and instead of the gossipy banter there was a narrative – a narrative about the upcoming holiday. Curt and to the point Cindy spares no one and tells it like it is or often – like it will be. For those of you who do not know – Cindy Adams is a columnist with the New York Post – has been for more years than she’d probably admit to. Finishing ‘Page Six’ I go a few pages back and there is Cindy Adams’ column. I’ll admit it – I went straight to ‘Page Six’ – back then I recognized the names appearing in the column – today I rarely have a clue.

land of the free home of the brave jersey

I went outside and picked up my copy of the New York Post from the end of the driveway and, back in the house, sat at the kitchen table with my first cup of coffee hoping to get a good read in before daylight broke completely and everyone else got up.

land of the free home of the brave jersey land of the free home of the brave jersey

It was possibly the week before the 4th of July weekend I’m thinkin’ maybe 2007 – so 4 years ago now. This story is the truth and we should all tell it over and over again. The better half can oft be heard saying to anyone who is listening to me go on, “That’s Carolann, never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” Granted, I no longer tell the tale verbatim but you’ll get the gist. For the last 4 or 5 years I have taken to relating a story of a column that ran in the New York Post a few years back.

land of the free home of the brave jersey

Later in the evening as the darkness envelopes us and we sit quietly around the fire at the pit, we speak of how proud we are to be Americans and how blessed we are that we have each other to share this holiday there on Skaneateles Lake.

Land of the free home of the brave jersey